Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar
Fark Yaratanlar


Meet Changemakers who choose to be part of the solution to an existing problem, who demonstrate an example for an active citizen, who create innovative solutions for a concrete and sustainable change, who make social contributions with measurable effects, and who inspire others with their stories.
Halil Bağış – Stellar Lab

Halil Bağış founded the Stellar Lab, the first digital astronomy library in Turkey, with the philosophy of "Astronomy for Everyone".

Social Justice
Art Anywhere Association

Art is anywhere with children in Mardin...

Çağan Şekercioğlu

A scientist chasing the nature...

Social Justice
Hülya Aydın

Life of A Determined Woman

Economic Development
Tülin Akın

Farmers Open Up To The World Through Internet

One Rubber One Pencil

“One Rubber One Pencil Project” Brings the Schools and the Donors Together

Social Justice
Galata Dialogue Association

Be Ready To Forget What You Know In The Pitch Dark

Civic Participation
Gülçin Kaya

Don't Hide Under The Blanket

Civic Participation
Ayşegül Güzel

A Bank Where the Currency is Time, Instead of Money: “Zumbara”

Civic Participation
Open Istanbul

They Hit the Streets for an Accessible City

Civic Participation
Ercan Tutal

Ercan Tutal Makes a Difference in the Lives of People with Disabilities


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